Dr. Brian Kai Chin is a musician, educator, and cultural entrepreneur. Trained in western classical, jazz, and world traditions, Brian’s musical focus is only part of his larger vision as the founder and Executive Director of Common Tone Arts and the Chair of the Music Department at Seattle Pacific University.

With a wide array of musical activity, Brian moves seamlessly between soloing as a trumpeter, freelancing for world-class orchestras, composing new music, performing with the contemporary chamber ensemble TORCH, and producing socially conscious, multi-arts events.

Brian is focused on using music and imagination as a universal language to bring people together and celebrate our shared humanity. Much of this vision is embedded in his work via Common Tone Arts, a non-profit arts organization dedicated to inspiring positive change for our diverse world through arts education and music.

As the Chair of the Music Department at Seattle Pacific University, Dr. Chin has recently led an innovative 21st- Century curriculum redesign. This vision focuses on encouraging students to become cultural leaders by nurturing complete musicianship and engaging in socially conscious art.  
