β€œCTA is an innovative and forward looking organization that is working to transform arts education in this time of immense transition and disruption. Common Tone is a place for people to come to find a community of creators and a place to continue pushing their craft forward. Artists will find a peer group of inspiring partitioners who are rooting for everyone to succeed and who will happily  support anyone attempting to make ambitious and authentic new projects. Students will find mentors who care about them and who are invested in their success, and they will receive training tailored to the projects they are most interested in. Everyone will find challenging and exciting examples of art that is grappling with the realities of our contemporary situation - with an emphasis on our common humanity and a celebration of human potential.”

Scott Kolbo was born in Washington State and grew up the Northwestern United States. As a kid he spent countless hours drawing to stave off boredom, and drawing continues to play a dominant role in all his work. He became interested in the tradition of satire by looking through art books in the library and realizing that he was most attracted to prints with funny looking people in them. He received a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Painting and Printmaking from Boise State University in 1996 and a Master of Fine Arts degree in Printmaking from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 2000.

Scott currently resides north of Bellingham Washington, working as a teacher in a variety of areas including; Printmaking, Drawing, Design, Video/Animation, and Contemporary Art History. His interests revolve around the study of culture, aesthetics, literature, film, and contemporary art. In his studio art work he is interested in the incorporation of new technologies into traditional art making strategies and mixing together elements from high and low culture. Scott exhibits his work locally, nationally, and in web-based formats (his work may be viewed at


