Dr. Margaret Diddams is the principal consultant with The Diddams Group, which is dedicated to building strong Christian leadership teams aligned with their institution’s strategic vision. With expertise in leadership development, team building, employee engagement surveys, effective and legal hiring processes, performance management, program evaluation, creating work-life balance, and mitigating workplace stress and burnout, Diddams has over 30 years of leadership and consulting experience to serve today’s Christian leaders.

Diddams is the editor of The Christian Scholar’s Review; the premier journal for scholarship that advances the integration of Christian faith and learning. She recently served as the Provost and Chief Academic Officer of Wheaton College (2016-2020) a liberal arts college grounded in its Evangelical Christian faith tradition. With oversight of 500 employees and a $50 MM budget, she provided leadership for over 50 undergraduate and graduate academic programs. She began her academic career in the Social-Organizational Psychology Department at Columbia University in 1991, joining the faculty at Seattle Pacific University (SPU) in 1993 and began consulting with Microsoft’s IT group soon after, with a focus on jointly developing strong teams with sustainable work processes; a combination that, she believes, is the key to organizational and employee flourishing. The Microsoft IT group hired her in 1996 to continue this work full-time.

Diddams returned to SPU in 2000, rising to the rank of Professor of Industrial / Organizational Psychology before becoming the Director of the Center for Scholarship and Faculty Development, and then Assistant Provost. While at SPU, she continued her consulting work, focusing on developing individualized leadership development plans for C-suite and other executives in the Puget Sound area.

Diddams earned a MA and Ph.D. in Industrial / Organizational Psychology from New York University and her BA in Psychology from Wheaton College. She and her husband Stan are the proud parents of four adult children and a growing number of grandchildren.


