Dr. Stover is the editor of Practice: The Magazine of the Institute for Creativity
Chris Stover is a composer, trombonist, and music scholar. His research interests include philosophies of time and process, Deleuze and Guattari studies, affect theory, gender, queer, and post-colonial theory, phenomenology, critical improvisation studies, rhythmic and microrhythmic processes in diasporic West African music, and the folkloric and popular music of Cuba and Brazil.
Chris is also very active internationally as a composer and performer, and has release seven CDs as a leader or co-leader, with two new CDs (Helical Quartet and the Caetano Veloso Project) forthcoming in 2019. His recent set of chamber-jazz compositions concrete lines—fluid curves, based on poetry by Angélica Freitas, was performed recently in Seattle and New York City. His compositions explore process, growth, flux, and recontextualization, with careful and nuanced considerations of the relationships between melody and harmony and the ways these relationships can change over time.